coffee walnut™

The new owners of a coffee farm in Nicaragua are replacing about 1,100 forty-plus-year-old plantation trees with another species of tree that is much friendlier to shade-grown coffee. This thinning has made available a large quantity of tropical walnut (also called “Peruvian” walnut or nogal — in this case, the species is Juglans neotropica).

The trees are being cut by hand from the old plantation, transported to the existing dirt roads using draft animals and minimal heavy equipment.

Earthbilt has an exclusive arrangement to sell this wood to the US market. This is a rare opportunity to obtain a beautiful tropical hardwood from a truly sustainable source.

Nogal is a well-known wood for guitar fret boards, flooring and other uses — anywhere one might use black walnut (Juglans nigra), one can use tropical walnut, which naturally has a warmer color than the North America species.

The wood is available as logs or lumber.

Call 917/543-4064 or email Earthbilt today for a quote.



Coffee  Walnut™